Decorate the city with messages on banners or paintings and stand out in the street scene.

Impact gables allow you to:

  • Impact in urban life
  • Brand positioning
  • Constant visibility

Grøn synlighed i gadebilledet

Impact grønne gavle


The price depends on location and size.

We can also help with printing and setting up banners for our own locations.


Vi har bannere på gavle på Frederiksberg, på henholdvis Gammel Kongevej og På hjørnet af Ågade og Falkoner Alle.
Prisen afhænger af bannerets størrelse.

Technical specifications

We print and set up all banners on our gables.
We can print and set up in 5 – 10 working days.

Impact Grønne Gavle

With URBAN Impact we ensure high visibility in the streetscape and brand positioning with banners on gables in Copenhagen, Odense and Aarhus. 

Vi tilbyder bl.a. vores grønne gavle, som er en levende og CO2 reducerende plantevæg omkring eco-banner, som giver annoncøren mulighed for grønne og miljøvenlige budskaber.

Vores grønne gavle reducerer støj, optager CO2, reducerer varmeø-effekten og kan potentielt højne biodiversiteten. 

Furthermore, our gables can be decorated by our skilled artists who can paint both lifelike and realistic paintings, just as they can paint 3D art and graffiti. The paintings can be used for short campaigns or adorn the city for a longer period of time as a gable painting. Nothing is too big or small. We create ground-breaking solutions that surprise in a cool and new way.

Kontakt os i dag for at få et uforpligtende tilbud.

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