
Challenge Aarhus Municipality suffers from lack of respect for the yellow and red lights. Too many drivers think it's okay to continue into an intersection, even if the signal has changed to yellow. A yellow light means stop, and drivers must learn to respect that.

Otherwise, they risk being at fault for themselves or their fellow road users being injured. The lack of respect for the yellow light is a major problem for traffic safety in the city. 


Solution Aarhus Municipality chose, in collaboration with citrus media, to run the campaign "Aarhus brakes for yellow" in weeks 44-47.

With light projection of "Brems For Yellow" on selected buildings facing busy roads, it was ensured that the message got out to a large proportion of motorists and passing citizens.

In accordance with the direct communication to motorists, citrus media painted 54 asphalt prints with the message "Brems For Gult" on the approach roads to Aarhus around the intersection of Ringvejen and Ringgaden.

In order to create full focus on the campaign, and to capture the drivers' full attention to this campaign, a radio spot ran on Radio100 Østj., Radio go!FM and Radio go!FM Plus with the "Brems For Yellow" message. 

On the social media side, citrusmedia created a Facebook page and produced 4 videos for Facebook and Youtube. The viral video got over 500,000 views, thousands of likes and almost 1000 shares of the video in the first week.
The other 3 videos each got 100,000 views after the first week. The videos have been used as a basis for debate among the citizens of Aarhus. 
Pablo Celis, Project Manager at Aarhus Municipality says: It is the most successful campaign we have ever run in Aarhus. It has reached the desired target group very precisely, and the campaign has created debate all over the city. We are very satisfied.

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