FITNESS Sampling & Event
Create involvement and trial with events and samples for the active target group In every or selected centers Creates dialogue and involvement of the target group Create trial with samples in displays
Fitness Digital
Fitness Digital: Ram +480.000 ugentlige besøgende i PureGym Digital Outdoor Pris Kontakt os for en pris Lokationer 123 centre med Fitness Digital over hele landet Tekniske specifikationer Format: 1920 x 1080 px. (16:9) Fitness Digital Med digital kampagne i Pure Gym sikres annoncøren en effektiv kampagne der ugentligt rammer over 480.000 besøgende. Skærmene er primært […]
We have extensive experience with sampling and events and we can help activate the target group, whether nationwide or local activities. Creative experience and positive marketing Activates the target audience The opportunity for the target group to try the product Den unikke event aktiverer kundens sanser og oplevelse af brandet Guerilla marketing Pris Afhængig af […]
STUDIE Wildpostering
Here, there and everywhere. With this media and our crew we can reach all locations in the country. Create campaigns on: Schools Universities Or other chosen locations
STUDIE Posters
An impact poster media on high schools and higher education, which hangs at entrances, canteen areas and football tables. Reach 15-28 year olds High visibility and impact Highest commitment of all Out-of-Home media
URBAN Guerilla
Guerilla marketing is an advertising strategy that uses surprise and/or unconventional methods to promote your product or brand and we are experts in: Different and creative campaigns Creating great attention and involvement from your target group Creating new ideas, customized to your product and brand
Guerilla Cykelmedier
Media on bikes can be a powerful and effective way to communicate to you audience Creates great visibility in the streets Communicates 1: 1 with the target audience Creates value for the recipient Medier på cyklen skaber værdi og direkte 1:1 kommunikation mellem brand og målgruppe Guerilla marketing Pris Prisen afhænger af antal stk., farver […]
URBAN Impact
Decorate the city with messages on banners or painting and stand out in the street scene Big impact in city Brand positioning Constant visibility
Megaboards Digital
Digital outdoor Store digitale Megaboards på landets bedste placeringer Digital Outdoor Pris Kampagne på megaboards kan både købesenkeltvist og som netværk. Kontakt os for en pris. Lokationer Der vises reklamer i rotation og reklamerne vises som standard 24 gange i timen. (10% SOV)Reklamen må have en varighed på 15 sekunder Tekniske specifikationer Format beskrivelse: JPEG […]
Urban Digital
Denmark’s largest network of digital outdoor screens Reach: approx. 35% of Danish consumers per week 47 screens across the country, at traffic junctions. Ability to differentiate messages by time of day / weather / geography Danmarks største digitale netværk i trafikken Digital outdoor Pris Kontakt os for en pris på netværket Lokationer +43 digitale skærme […]